Indian Railway Comedy…

hey guys see this photo….read the nameboards on the train

indian railway comedy

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7 Responses to “Indian Railway Comedy…”

  1. saneeja Says:

    sho! kadinamayi poyi…… 😛

  2. krishnaraj Says:

    sometimes this happens. this is a terrible mistake but its not as big as forgetting a knife in patient’s stomach by a doctor. as per my knowledge the fitter’s (workers those responsible for keeping boadrs on train) was warned by railway administration as these types of mistakes shuldnt happen. this these are rare and its the due 2 a small one board(as u can c other boards are correct) cannot miss lead a passenger fully. more over indian railways these types of boards are replaced by electonic boards with even gps system thes mistakes is not to happen again. railways is advancing. this is a proof that even in the best adminisrated goverment office can also go wrong.

    ofcourse i am a railway employees son so cant blame railway much na

  3. jlusujith Says:

    ny way there is no point in sayin excuses like this..
    i was runnin in a hurry 2 catch the train…and as i reached the train am seein this board.generally no one will check other boards to confirm whether ths s the right train…

  4. krishnaraj Says:

    ya agreed but i dnt think u r not deaf fot not hearing the announcements in english malayalam and hindi which will be frequently annonced in sation more over the boards are not far apart u can c in the photo and in case of dought there is tte(train ticket examiner) for ur assistance. i agree its a small mistake bt not big enough 2 loose ur train.

  5. Varun Says:

    i saw the same thing last week when i returned from tvm.

    this prooves that even railways is TRULY INDIAN 🙂

  6. Nisha Says:

    yep……..its truly a bad sign from indian railway authority.Such probs need to b cleard so that no more accidents wil occur.If u can .try to giv this as a small artilcle along with the pix in some magazines.

  7. Atul Says:

    Me also agreeing with Sujith. This is a terrible mistake. If someone is coming in a hurry n the train started movin, & if he see this nameboard, he’l stuck up there n may quit from jumping in to the train. He’l miss it.
    Hoho terrible!!
    Also, this mistake is reflexing our government’s lack of professionalism.

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